Keys To Setting Up A CNC Lathe Machine Shop For The First Time

If you've just invested in a worksite for CNC machining, you need to make sure everything is set up in a refined way to where you can perform fabrication projects effectively and safely. Even if you're a beginner at setting up one of these environments, you can have ample success using this guideline.

Make Sure Oil Mist Collection Systems Are Set Up Before Fabricating

Before you begin using CNC lathe machines around a machine shop, you need to make sure the environment is completely safe. Part of this will involve setting up oil mist collection systems. The oil mist produced by all of your CNC lathe machines will be collected by this system and subsequently save you issues like respiratory hazards and dirty equipment.

You just need to figure out what size and quantity to get when investing in this system so that oil created around your machine shop doesn't ever create tough challenges that your machinists have to work around. 

Always Warm Up Your CNC Lathe Machines

Since CNC lathe machines are one of the most important assets you'll rely on when managing a machine shop, you need to protect them at all costs. One of the best things you can do is properly warm them up before getting involved in heavy-duty machining activities for the day.

Then if it's cold around your workshop, your CNC lathe machines can run for a bit and reach an optimal temperature range. What that does is help reduce thermal stress and that's pivotal for having these machines last a lot longer. 

Be Very Particular When Hiring Manual Machinists

If you think it's appropriate for your milling machine shop to offer manual milling to support special projects from clients, then make sure you're particular about the machinists you hire to complete these tasks. They're more demanding than automatic CNC machining since hand tools have to be used.

You need to find machinists that have completed manual machining before and ideally, are certified to complete this type of work. Then you won't have any concerns about the capabilities of this personnel at any point in time.

If you plan on opening up your first ever milling shop involving CNC lathe machines, then make sure you know what an optimal work environment looks like. Then your shop can perform better when fabricating different materials that are sent in from clients. There may be a learning curve in the beginning, but if you stay dedicated, you'll refine machining operations eventually around your shop. 

Visit a CNC lathe machine shop to learn more. 
