Common Myths Surrounding Residential Water Filters And The Truth Surrounding These Myths

If you are thinking about getting a home water filtration system, you may be researching these systems. Unfortunately, there is a lot of false information out there about these systems. Here are three common myths that you should know about residential water filters and the truth surrounding these myths. 

All Residential Water Filters Filter Out the Same Items 

One of the most common myths out there is that every water filtration system filters out the same items. Water filtration systems are designed to filter out impurities and minerals from the water. However, different types of systems are more apt to filter out minerals and impurities better. If you have a high iron level in your water, you want a system that is better designed to remove iron. Likewise, if you have a high sulfur level, you want one that better filters out sulfur. Have your water tested to determine what elements plague your water and then find a system designed to remove those specific impurities and minerals. 

Residential Water Filters Are Only Needed to Improve Drinking Water

Another common myth surrounding residential water filters is that these types of filters are only designed to improve your drinking water. As such, many people think that they may not need one of these systems if they decide to buy bottled water or use a water delivery service. However, water filtration systems do more than improve drinking water. They can soften hard water. Hard water can leave hard water stains behind, which can be difficult to remove. Hard water also shortens the lifespan of faucets and water appliances. As such, softening the water can help these fixtures last longer. 

Residential Water Filters Are Expensive

The last myth is that water filtration systems are expensive. Years ago, whole house water filtration systems were expensive to purchase and install. However, these days, the systems are much more affordable. There is a residential water filtration system available for every type of budget. If you are looking to improve the water in your home, but think the price for a system is high, take a look around at the various filtration systems that are currently on the market. You may be surprised to learn just how affordable many of these systems are. 

If you are looking to purchase a residential water filter, you may want to sit down and talk to a company that specializes in selling and installing water filtration system. They can help to answer any questions you may have and help guide you toward the system that is best for you. 
