Programmable Logic Controllers: The 5 Perks That They Offer

On New Year's Day, 1968, programmable logic controllers were developed to provide improved functionality as similar, alternate relay logic systems, which are frequently used for torque control, motion control, and position control. The developers were looking to create a machine that could withstand harsh, industrial environments, could start within seconds, and would use Ladder Logic for its programming structure. They succeeded, and market demand for programmable logic controllers have since skyrocketed. If you're sitting on the fence regarding which type of controllers are going to be easiest to integrate into your existing systems, here are 5 perks of programmable logic controllers that you should keep in mind.

Increased Reliability

Although the programming can be difficult to write, it can be downloaded to other programmable logic controllers once it has been written and tested. This minimizes chances of making logic wiring errors, which improves the overall reliability of the system. 

Less and Simpler Wiring

On the same note as increased reliability, programmable logic controllers have less and simpler wiring, which not only helps to improve reliability, but will free up space and minimize chances of errors happening. From the way that the system was developed, a lot of the hard wiring that are commonly associated with conventional relay control circuits can be easily eliminated.

This is due to the fact that the program will take place of much of the hard wiring since it can adjust and affect multiple functions of the system. Programmable logic controllers tend to be much simpler to install as a result, and repairs and maintenance work can be performed within a much shorter time period.

Improved Productivity

Improving overall productivity can help boost revenue and profit and reduce expenses. Programmable logic controllers have the ability to offer faster response times since they operate in real-time. Once programmable logic controllers are installed, machines and assembly lines that are processing hundreds, if not thousands, of products regularly will spend only fractions of seconds getting the job done.

The assembly lines with programmable logic controllers tend to produce products at a higher rate using the same amount of energy if not less. 

Flexibility and Reduced Maintenance Costs

Since the programming runs on the spot, adjustments can be made easily to account for changes or unexpected occurrences. Most programmable logic controllers have resident diagnostic and override functions that allow you to trace and correct software and hardware problems with ease. These programs run on real-time, so that you can immediately tell whether the changes made are able to find and fix the problems that are present.

There is a lot of flexibility in the things that you can do. In addition, since the system is relatively easy to change, you can easily reduce maintenance costs as repairs are relatively easy to perform.

Ability to Communicate With Others

Communication may be crucial in control systems, and programmable logic controllers offer a way for users to communicate with other controllers or computers. The programmable logic controllers from places like can be incorporated into different networks, such as for supervisory controls, monitoring devices, processing parameters and the downloading and uploading of different programs. 

The ability to communicate can help improve productivity, and also ensure that the system runs properly as errors can be easily communicated between different mediums, so that they can be resolved within the shortest period of time possible. 


In comparison to many other alternatives, like remote terminal units, programmable logic controllers offer numerous distinct advantages that make them a better choice for control systems. There are various different types of programmable logic controllers developed, and they either run on discrete or analog signals depending on the type of functions that are needed. 
